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5200251163423  NANODIAMOND4-CAR-PAINT 50 ml

5200251163423 NANODIAMOND4-CAR-PAINT 50 ml


Please meet the Nanodiamond4-car paint, the brand new “diamond line” which just entered in our vast range of innovative products.

This diamond product incorporates an ultra-high technology coating that protects your vehicle paintwork from environment threatening and polluting factors.


Upon spraying any vehicle with the Nanodiamond4-car paint, a multiple layer coating is formed and within minutes the thickness and strength of the paint coating is highly increased. This creates an extra ultra-protective and multi-layer coating which operates as outer armor preventing any scratch on your vehicle.




For measuring the resistance to scratches there is a simple scientific scale of minimum resistance of 9H to maximum resistance of 12H. This is a rating based on Pencil Hardness Test commonly used by manufacturers on clear and pigmented surface coatings. 

The Pencil Hardness test is used to determine the scratch resistance of a coating surface by using pencils to scratch the surface and rate the scratch resistance in relation to that pencil hardness and other materials of similar hardness.


So, based on this rating scratch resistance scale, where 12H is the maximum resistance, we achieve optimum hardness coating results by the below 3 application variations:


  • Upon coating 1 time you achieve 500 Nano thickness and 9H scratch resistance
  • Upon coating 2 times you achieve 1000 Nano thickness and 11H scratch resistance
  • Upon coating 3 times you achieve 1500 Nano thickness and 12H scratch resistance


In scientific terms, the Nanodiamond4-car paint incorporates the:

  • effect of super hydrophobic substance (the biochemical attribute of inner water molecules’ interaction and the formation of lipid bilayers which basically places a surface waterproof) and
  • anti-graffiti coating which prevents paint or graffiti from bonding to surfaces
  • Anti-fire paint protection


These three material attributes place your vehicle always clean both from dirt and dust but also prevents any scratch to be formed on the protected surface.

The rain will just flow over the vehicle without leaving any traces or mud.


The last but not least interesting product quality is that the Nanodiamond4-car paint makes your vehicle shine just like a diamond shines in the light.

You will be proud of your car appearance which will be brand new and shiny for many years to come just like it was the day you bought.

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